2020’s unique events and unfolding lead to those of us in the dramatic arts, looking for and discovering new ways to stay relevant in an ever changing world landscape. Looking back, I’m not sure many of us expected to still be where we are today almost 18 months later. These have been surreal and strange times, but they forced us at TCP to look outside the box and try things that we have never tried before.
In August of 2021, over the course of two weekends, TCP presented a series of 5 plays. Each show was carefully selected and featured small casts of two actors. We followed all the public health guidelines to accommodate our audiences in a house size of 100 patrons sitting in “pods” of 2, 3, 4 and 5 people.
Five different plays, five different directors, and a unique and memorable experience for our audiences; We were grateful for the challenges and adventures this experience brought and we were so glad to once again bring LIVE theatre back to the community.
Danielle Guistini-Crouse,
Artistic Director – TCP