What an improvement from last week, great job people! Keep it up.
- Cast, any comment on the weather, please look at skies to justify remark
- Cast, two households, watch eyelines, do not make eye contact with other household members
- “gobbling like wolves” Jill and Leah need to eat like wolves to justify Mary Beth’s line.
- Cast, careful of repeated exhales on mic, can be loud and distracting. Make sure it’s intentional and not out of habit.
- Nancy, you don’t know where Professor or Mr Webb are entering from. Look around without signalling their entrance.
- Mike, beware of clicking of shoes.
- Cast, need to all be on the same page where the moon in located for sightlines. Same as Sunrises and Sunsets.
- Paige keep impulse to reach out and get into personal bubbles
- Isla, keep the struggle up ladder to annoy your brother.
- Nancy, need to acknowledge thunder noises.
- Jack, need to create different mannerisms for SI vs Joe.
- Ryan, for soda shop scene, on knee was real nice. Can you scoot a bit closer to grab Emily’s hand for “Emily, if I do improve and make a big change…would you be…I mean: could you be…
- Cast, beware of noise for wedding scene change. Moving stools was loud over Stage Managers lines (already competing with Orchestra)
- Kim can you adjust Ryan’s collar sooner in wedding scene
- Stage manager acknowledge mic on table, play to microphone for some lines.
- “Time” swaying start at cemetery looked sharp. Got wonky afterwards with different swaying speeds and directions.
- Grave peoples eyes. Can we decide what we are all collectively doing? If all our movements are in sync then eyes need to either be focused on audience members in front of glazed over?
- Review head movements for cemetery scene.
- Mary Beth. “I found it on the step when bringing in the milk” postcard book… looks like you’ll have to bring it in with the milk?
- How long is Ryan crying for at the end of the show? Tears through black out? or immediately stop when black?